Monday 9 February 2015


Do you believe that you are skilled? Skilled in what? If you are skilled at doing the dishes or cleaning the house that doesn’t count! What we are talking about here is if you have a skilled occupation like a Registered Nurse, Carpenter and Joiner, Bricklayer, Doctor, Engineer, Software Developer etc.

Ok, so you are skilled, but do you fancy immigrating to Australia? It’s a big decision! Relocation from Europe, Asia or wherever to a country way down under – a long way from the northern hemisphere! But, if you got over this dilemma, and are 100% sure that you need a fresh start in Oz – then we can help you with your visa and relocation.

The first step in embarking on your new journey is to get your skills assessed by an Assessment authority. To cut a long story short, the Authority checks your qualifications to see they are genuine and verifies them and verifies your work experience. They check that your degree certificate wasn’t obtained over the internet from a fraudster for $500 and that your work experience and references are all bona fide. At the end of the day, they will write back and say you are ‘suitable for migration’ or not.  

So let’s assume that you get a positive skills assessment. Now what? Well, the next step is we will need to submit an Expression of Interest to the Government about your background. You are making your case for why Australia needs you! Your Expression demonstrates your value and employability and proves that you won’t end up a beach-bum or retire early and go on a surfing safari. 

Okay, sorry to confuse you, but if your Expression of Interest is accepted then you get an ‘Invitation to apply’ through SkillSelect. So, this means that you have been given the all clear, you got the green light to apply for the skilled visa for Australia.

Now, you must meet a points test! I know what you are thinking – you’ve got no experience at Gymnastics at the Olympics! That doesn’t matter, you don’t need a 9.9 or perfect 10, you just got to pass the points test. 

So how do you get points? Well, you acquire points for different factors, like Age – the younger you are the more points. So apply before you turn 45 years (the cut-off age!). Secondly, you get points for English language ability – the better you speak our native tongue – the more points you will get! Thirdly, points are offered for skilled employment – the more work you’ve done the better. Fourthly, you get points for your qualifications – the higher the qualification, the more points you will get – so if you’ve got a PhD and you are a research geek then you will get maximum points! Finally, you can get bonus points if you’ve studied in Oz previously, based on your partner’s skills or you have been nominated by a State government. 

Before applying, we need to see the originals of all your documents, and certify them as ‘true copies of the original’. We are Migration Agent’s and qualified to do this quick verification procedure for you. 

One more thing, you and all your family will need to do a medical examination and chest x ray to see that you don’t have tuberculosis or any other unpleasant disease. Also, you will need Police certificates showing that you are of good character! That reminds us of the old joke – a Brit (Pom) arrived at the Airport in Oz and the Immigration Officer asked him: ‘Do you have any criminal convictions? He replied, ‘I didn’t know that it was still a requirement’. 

Anyway, if you are ready to go down the skilled migration route, then get in touch or if you want a free assessment or to ask a few questions, then we can help out. 

For information about the skilled migration to Australia or to send us a question or get help, go to our website: 

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